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Sunreliance Energy is an EPC company that was established in early 2013 to operate in the renewable energy sector and offers turnkey solutions with its professional staff in the field of Solar Energy Systems, which is its field of expertise.

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Sunreliance Energy,  Believing in the necessity of energy independence for all individuals living on our planet, making being the best the main goal, determining ethical values and honest working principle as the basic understanding, planning and implementing the future, carrying out works at European standards in its sector, with the aim of being the leading company in the sector, providing maximum efficiency to its investors. To offer optimum systems…

To continue our work without slowing down to meet the increasing energy needs of our country and to produce national energy from domestic resources. To develop the energy solutions of the future and share them with the masses, with policies that protect the ecological balance and resources of the natural environment, offer innovative, nature-friendly and economical solutions to the changing needs of society and energy-intensive sectors, and prioritize the satisfaction of all parties it is involved with by contributing to their development.

Our Mission


70 percent of the world is covered with water, but only 1 percent of the world's water resources are drinkable. While approximately 700 million people cannot access clean water, innocent children die every day due to cholera, diarrhea and typhoid caused by dirty water; The number of people who die every year due to drought, disease and difficulty accessing water exceeds 2 million.

Güneş Panellerini Keşfetmek
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